We don’t know about you but we’ve noticed a change in weather over the past 12 months of lockdown – spring has arrived later this year.

If you’re the type who scrolls through Facebook memories or your Instagram feed, you will have noticed that tulips in your feed 12 months ago have not yet appeared? Instead daffodils, normally the harbinger of spring, are still largely evident though many are now losing that yellow flowering crown.

We think, at Weatherwise Services, it’s been an exceptionally cold winter and spring. Usually when the clocks go forward at the end of March, this is a cue for warmer days and nights – but not this year.

Not that we’re complaining.

We did have a Beast from the East 2.0 only recently and the post Easter saw snow flurries, typically, on the day pubs reopened and beer gardens were supposed to be full of warmth and cheer!

There’s historical precedence in this too – 1922 saw average temperatures drop below freezing at night and the 1st to 7th April 2013 saw consecutive nights drop below freezing.

Scotland, obviously, fared worse than many parts of the UK:

BBC Weather presenter Carol Kirkwood tweeted: ‘With the overnight low in Tulloch Bridge currently sitting at -9.4C, that makes it the coldest April night in the UK since 2013.’

What we want to show now in this blog post is an expansive gallery of photos from our Instagram and LinkedIn feeds – please do make sure you follow each one too.

Here’s some highlights – and note too that we’re working on integrating the full Instagram feed on this very website.