When you need brine spraying services, contact us.

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Brine spraying services

Brine is a mixture of salt (typically Sodium Chloride) and water and can be used as an alternative to spreading salt crystals to protect a specific area.  The product is applied to an area by using either mechanical or manual spraying equipment. 

This product can be utilised around entrance areas where salt crystals could potentially become trapped within door runners, sliding door mechanisms or trapped under close to surface doors themselves. 

Safety solution

The use of Brine around these areas also prevents salt crystals being transferred internally by attaching to the soles of footwear, wheels of delivery carts etc onto carpets or solid floors where they could present as an internal slip hazard.

High footfall

Brine spraying can be used externally in high footfall areas, where salt crystals and the exterior paving combine to create a slip hazard but continues to protect your site from ice accumulation. As a pre-treatment, Brine is sprayed to prevent ice forming and when sprayed onto ice it begins working immediately.

Brine can be applied to your entire site as a granular salt replacement or used in specific areas where you have concerns regarding salt crystals.