One of the most ingenious films of recent years is “Hoodwinked”.

If you’ve not seen it, you really should as it’s clever and funny for both adults and children.

It’s based on the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood, but has a quad narrative running and us, the viewers, don’t really see the big picture until all four are melded together and motives, criminals and victims are all revealed.

Now you might be thinking, what has a classic film got to do with snow clearance and winter weather services?

Answer – a lot.

In one of the funniest scenes in the film, which we’ve linked below, Red stumbles upon a Mountain Goat in her quest for her grandmother and a literal rollercoaster scene begins, with the goat crooning “Be Prepared” at length.


In a short period of time, days will lengthen as clocks go forward and we will all gain an extra hour of daylight and hopefully warmer weather.

There is an old saying though “Ne’er cast a clout til May be out” and if you’re a gardener you’ll know how frost and ice can damage tender seedlings and plants that are bedded too early.

We must admit though that the last few days has seen relatively few callouts of our team, as temperatures rarely seem to drop below 4 degrees. March 2021 is not shorts and T shirt weather – but it’s not big coat time either.

What we would say though, after cold months from November to February, is that our team has working flat out most nights across the Midlands, with demand for our services exceeding capacity. Not sales talk – the truth.

Obviously with warmer spring and summer days ahead, you probably won’t be needing our services much at all – but come September and October, you will.

Be Prepared

We’re fully prepared too for next season with upgrades to machinery and supplies. We’ve also produced a handy 5 page PDF booklet for existing and new customers to summarise our services and pricing. If you’d like a copy, just email Tim or Andy today.

As the mercury rises too, we’re not hibernating with our marketing – we have very active (and hopefully non-boring) social media feeds on LinkedIn and Instagram – we will also be continuing with blogs as we’re Prepared.

Enjoy the video too!